Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Quick Prayer Request

Today was a hard day personally for me as I realize (again) that sometimes you can't do much to help students. It's a hard but good truth that sometimes, no matter how much of a "doer" I am and want to be, sometimes there is no better thing than to be comforting and pray. I have two students today that this happened for and I can't seem to stop thinking about them, so please keep them in your prayers.

One of these students, H,  has been absent for several days on and off, and has also been pulled from my class or had to leave for various reasons, often saying that his eyes and at times his neck have been hurting him. Today during lunch, he came into my classroom and broke down sobbing and rubbing his eyes over and over. Apparently, his eyes have been hurting him all the time, and as a result he can't see (well or at all, I'm not sure). He says he's been to the doctor and the doctor gave him medicine, but the medicine has not been helping at all. He was so upset and frustrated and I could do nothing to help him. Finally, he asked me to get Miss F from the office, who came and took him away. After about an hour or so he rejoined my classroom, but he left straight after school to go to San Pedro Sula with his father, presumably (and hopefully) to go see a different doctor. Please pray that the trip this afternoon had good results, that the doctors will know how to treat his eyes, and that he will be able to quickly rejoin our classroom and focus on learning without pain.


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