Saturday, January 24, 2015


3 weeks into the new year already. Days may go by slowly, but the weeks are going fast, and the weekends are a blur.

The students and teachers have finally readjusted (for the most part) back into the school schedule, thankfully. I've been introducing lots of new things in my classroom--new management tools, new reading stuff, new journaling things, etc. It's all had its ups and downs but I feel like it's been good for me and for the students. Hopefully as the students learn these new things it will only get better.

This is a quick post to ask for prayer for me and my fellow teachers. Coming back after Christmas has been very difficult and discouraging for many of us-- a cross of homesickness and a feeling of ineffective helplessness at times as a teacher.

On top of that, the school will begin recruiting teachers for next year in 3 short weeks, and they're asking the North American teachers for their decisions about next year before they leave for the States on Feb. 12. It's been a main topic of conversation among us teachers, and many of us are feeling very conflicted.

Personally, I'm very torn as to what I should or want to do. I don't feel like I win whichever choice I make. I lose if I leave the school, and I lose if I stay. Every day my emotions are different--hovering one day on "There's no way I could not do this a second year" and the next day crying in the school bathroom because I don't know if I can take another 45 minutes, much less a whole year.

The next three weeks will be tough, for me and many others. Besides the looming decision to be made, the partial ends this Friday, we have Recuperacion tests for failed students the first week of February, and parent teacher conferences on February 13.

Please be in prayer the next three weeks for me and the teachers in Gracias as well as the other ALCS schools, that God will grant us wisdom as we seek His will and our desires for next year, and then peace of mind and heart when the decision is made.

In the meantime, puppies, prayer, and continued reflection on the promises in Scripture will be getting me through.

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