Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hanging On and Counting Down

Just thought I would let you all know I am still alive, hanging on and counting the few weeks left to Thanksgiving Break and then Christmas break!

I have been crazy busy and pretty stressed, what with the ongoing computer problems (it appears my hard drive is gone. splat. kaput. dead) which means I have been borrowing-begging-stealing others computers to use. Also, my online dropbox account failed me and did not save some of my important documents like it said it would.

On top of that, this week marked the end of the first partial and the begining of the second, which meant getting grading done, writing and giving recuperation tests (more about what those are later), and upcoming parent teacher conferences. oh dear.

Please keep me, my fellow teachers, and the students in your prayers as we push towards Christmas. Also, pray that the new hard drive for my computer, which comes tomorrow, will be successfully installed into my computer and that it will be the end of my computer nightmare in Honduras. Pray for wisdom and understanding for me as I meet with parents on Friday afternoon-- conferences are intimidating to begin with, even more so with the language barrier (there will be a translator) and the fact that we only meet with the students who are in some way not up to par--academically or behaviorally.

I will try to update a little more and better later! Counting down the days till I can see some of you again!

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