Wednesday, October 22, 2014


So yea. I'm in Honduras. A land of no Apple Stores and few Mac users. And my Mac had a serious breakdown for no apparent reason on Monday afternoon.

So I've been out of a computer since Monday. As of right now, a friend helped get it going to do an internet recovery, and now I need an install desk for a Mac operating system. So on Saturday, I'll be traveling out to San Pedro Sula to meet someone there, reinstall an operating system, and hope and pray that it works and my computer will be up and running again. Even if it does, I probably lost all my photo and music files (thank God my documents were backed up online).

Please pray for me as I'm struggling along without a computer, pray for my peace of mind about the whole situation, and pray for my travels to San Pedro and back on Saturday-- that travels will be safe and that the attempt to fix the computer will be successful.

Thanks! ~Emily

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