Monday, May 11, 2015

5 Thoughts for the Final 5 Weeks

With the school year winding down to a close and as I'm anticipating first summer and then next year, here are some of the thoughts that have been flitting through my brain:

1.  (Insert number) days left!

 If you know me, you know I'm big on countdowns to just about anything major. The countdown currently stands at 24 days left in the classroom and 37 days until I fly to the States.

2. I have more students in my class than I have days left in my class...

Wow! This seems crazy to me! 32 maddening, lovable little students. 24 days. 

3. Hmm... I need to find this book over summer and read it...

No official list has been started yet, but I have books listed in random places on my computer as well as tucked into the corners of my brain and my Amazon search list. Needless to say, I can not wait to read a LOT this summer. Also, the thought of a public library nearby has never been so exciting. As my mom said recently, after this year, it's going to be the little things that are so exciting: hot showers, a library, an oven, clean drinking water, a sink with two sides. I hope the weight of the outrageous blessings of living in a first-world country again never leaves me.  

4. Hmm... I need to cook/bake this when I get set up in my apartment...

My head has been spinning, and my mouth watering, at the thought of the endless culinary options available to me in the States. Also, in good news, I've already found an apartment to live in-- one without rat poop and cockroaches, hopefully! ( : 
(me during the first week/month/year of being home)

5. My work here is not finished... 

 I'm starting to get a bit sentimental about leaving my kids. Time is ticking, which is both a blessing and a curse. I was watching them in chapel and was struck by the thought that even though they drive me crazy, there is still so much left to teach them...and I wasn't just thinking about all the pages left in my curriculum! On top of that, a few of my students asked if I was returning and they expressed sadness when I said no. When I gave my reason as wanting to live closer to my family, one particularly sweet boy said: "But Miss, we're family now!" <3

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